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donna del popolo Wayuu

Wayuu: a people struggling for survival

The Wayuu people have found in the arid and rugged territory of La Guajira favorable conditions to develop their economy based on fishing and pastoralism. Their official language, Wayuunaiki, remains one of ...
Tratta degli esseri umani

Human trafficking: the EU’s fight

November 18th marks the World Day Against Human Trafficking, an important occasion to raise public awareness about the need for more effective policies to prevent and combat this heinous crime. Human trafficking ...
mutilazioni genitali femminili

Female genital mutilation

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) involves the cutting or partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or, in some cases, the excision of the clitoris. Worldwide, the number of women living ...
Convenzione Istanbul

Instanbul Convention: what it is and why it is so important

The Istanbul Convention, established in May 2011, is the first treaty in Europe implemented to counter, prevent, and combat gender-based violence, understood as a violation of human rights. The Convention is a ...

The demage of mining companies and the lack of human rights protection

Extractive activities have always generated negative impacts on the environment and local communities. Colombia is the leading coal producer in Latin America and the fifth largest exporter globally, highlighting how the presence ...